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Although Amazon introduced next generation of e-reader - Kindle Touch so the first generation : Kindle 4 is the choice for many people. Only $79 for special offers, you can own great device today. Use Amazon coupon codes for Kindle 4 and buy it cheaper, in additional see list deals below and get cheapest price.

Some reviews about Kindle 1 from Amazon customers : This is my second Kindle, the first one being a 6" Wi-Fi Kindle with a keyboard. I don't use the keyboard that much, so I opted for a Kindle without the keyboard and donated the first one to my wife (after several hints and nudges on her part), who has now also become an avid Kindle user. I usually read at night and that is why I enjoy the E Ink display without any backlight. As a developer I work with computers on a day long basis and find that the LCD display stresses my eyes considerably. With the E Ink display I can read for several hours without feeling any eye strain at all. I have had the first Kindle for about a year and half and have just received the new Kindle. During this time I have read 97 Kindle books and enjoyed the experience tremendously.
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 Amazon coupon codes, Amazon promotional codes 2012, you will save from $20 to $50 easiest.I have one gripe though - while the ordering and delivery of both Kindles to my home in South Africa was fast, efficient and painless both and blocked the purchase of a Kindle cover to go with it, because it cannot be shipped to South Africa. I would have thought that shipping a Kindle with a cover involves the same effort as shipping one without? I do not know what determines the shipping policy, but this is one that can surely be revised. Nevertheless, it is a small niggle in an otherwise wonderful experience.

Cheapest Kindle 4 with Amazon promotional codes

Find and use Amazon promotional codes and get cheap Kindle 1 discount, read the next reviews : I wasn't looking for bells and whistles. I was looking for a basic e-reader that would allow me to easily read my books with one hand (while the cat frequently locks down my other arm!). I read a lot of reviews of the various models and convinced myself this is where I should land. I've only had it a month, but so far, so good. I haven't had any of the problems people cited in previous Kindle versions. I've read several books and love the fact that any 'book' now 'fits' easily on my Kindle. While I like to actually hold a book, I'm loving the fact that I don't have to have those books physically taking up space on my shelves anymore.

Amazon coupon codes discount for Kindle4

The Kindle has worked flawlessly for me. As many others reported, it is very convenient in many respects. I love being able to adjust the text size to one of the eight available options. I should be covered for several years! The 'instant dictionary' is great! It is helping me learn words I probably should have learned a long time ago. Downloading books has also been a breeze. Usually I download to the computer. It is a well-engineered and executed process. In addition to Amazon's ebooks, there are thousands of older books available at no cost. One could easily stay busy reading a lifetime of literature without every paying a dime for any of it. For lovers of classics, this is especially appealing.

All in all, I'm more than pleased (and so is the cat). If this basic Kindle continues to work as well as it does now, I expect it will be the best $79 I've ever spent.
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